

Four-year-old curtains, pine wood, found wood, ink, thread

Text on wood slab:

Grief is a universal emotion of life that we all experience eventually, and while people try, there is no way to prepare oneself. The harsh reality of grief is that the pain never truly goes away, and only with time does it become easier to deal with.

Procession combines the pain of letting go with accepting what is to come or has happened. Each hanging piece represents someone I have lost but is abstracted only to represent their essence. While some aspects of the piece have been simplified and standardized, each curtain is hung at the individual’s height.

I manipulated them individually based on how their loss felt and affected me throughout my life. Personalized handwritten notes on pine wood accompany each one, which have been torn apart because they are meant to be kept between myself and the loved one who passed.


Processing Emotion #001


The Veil